"At Asirhtig, your privacy is our priority. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data, ensuring full compliance with global standards."
Privacy Policy
Your Privacy is Important to ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP.
For your peace of mind, ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP does not sell or rent our customer list to another entity. However, ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP or one of our affiliate companies may use personal information collected for internal marketing purposes such as market research. It may also be used to contact you.
If you have provided personal information, but do not wish to receive further information from ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP, you can simply respond to our e-mail [email protected] and tell us that you do not want to receive future communications.
ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP may use “cookie” technology to obtain non-personal information from online visitors to its website (“Website”). A “cookie” is a small text file that is sent to your web browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP may use “cookies” as a means of compiling information detailing the usage of our Website. These findings help us understand our customer’s needs so that we may improve your browsing experience at ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP.
Even though most web browsers accept “cookies,” most browsers also give you the option to reject “cookies.” Please note that if you set your browser to reject “cookies” you will still be able to visit our Website but your browsing experience may be somewhat affected.
Any communication or material that you may post or transmit to ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP over the Internet or the World Wide Web (WWW) is, and will be treated as, non-confidential and nonproprietary. By posting or transmitting any communication or material to this Website, you agree that ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP or any of its affiliates may use such communication or material for any purpose, including reproduction, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting.
For your convenience, this Website may contain links to other websites, including some websites administered by ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP, or administered by other companies on behalf of ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP, as well as to sites unrelated to ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP. The foregoing Statement does not apply to these linked websites. Each website should be checked for its own privacy statement. ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of linked websites that are not administered by or on behalf of ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP. A link on this Website to any other website not administered by or on behalf of ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP does not carry any implication. It does not imply that ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP agrees with or endorses the information, data or representations contained therein. Neither does it imply that ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP sponsors, endorses, or is affiliated with or otherwise connected with such website, or with the company(ies) that operate it. Nor does it imply that ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP has authorized the linked website to use any names, logos and trademarks or copyrighted material of ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP or its affiliates.
ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP reserves the right at all times to disclose any information as ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP deems necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, or to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, in ASIR HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP’s sole discretion.